International Marconi Day is upon us!
Sat Apr 25, 2015
Two operations on Cape Cod,
1) Operating from the Coast Guard Beach Eastham, MA 02642
KM1CC will be the callsign
The Eastham event coordinator is:
Barbara Dougan, N1NS,
KM1CC trustee
2) Operating from Chatham there will be:
CMMC Marconi RCA Wireless
Museum, 847 Orleans Road, North
Chatham, MA 02650
Marconi Maritime Center's stations WA1WCC
(representing the WCC Amateur Radio Association)
and W1HNJ (representing the Hospital Ship
HOPE/WHNJ) will participate.
Properly licensed
amateur radio operators are invited to contact
CMMC to learn more about WA1WCC
please call: 508 945 8889
The Chatham event coordinator is Ed Moxon,
Whose contact e-mail is:
International Marconi Day celebrates the huge part
Guglielmo Marconi played in the invention of radio.
People had been trying for years to establish
wireless telegraphy, but Marconi persevered to make
it marketable and successful. The radio operators on
board the RMS Titanic were employed by Marconi -
and using his equipment they were able to alert the
Carpathia, the ship which rescued around 700
survivors. The purpose of this day is for amateur
radio enthusiasts around the world to make contact
with historic Marconi wireless station sites using
communication techniques similar to those used by
Marconi himself. For more background, see http:
// .
International Marconi Day (IMD) is a 24-hour
amateur radio event that is held annually to
celebrate the birth of Marconi on 25 April 1874. This
year IMD will celebrate its 28th year.
Hope to make a contact with you over the air!!!