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Field Day 2015 June 27/28th


This years field day will be held on June 27 and the 28th at Myles Standish State Forest in South Carver Ma.

We will be having our event in the open area behind the main headquarters and directly behind the restroom building. The call for the event will be KC1DFS this year.

The more people to help set up the better it will turn out for all of us. We will need at least 5 or 6 people on Friday afternoon to setup the tower/antennas. 4 people are needed just to hold the guy ropes on the tower for it to be erected. Setup will start at 2pm on Friday the 26th and we should be done in a couple hours.

Hope you will be able to attend Field Day with us, even if you do not want to operate stop on by and check it out since this is our first one as a club!
You will be able to see and operate some of the new rigs out there, that some of us will be bringing.

If you are planning on operating your own rig you will need to bring:
a Power Strip
Short extension cord
power supply for your rig
rig---(of course)
6ft coax jumper
headset, or mic of some sort, headphones.
laptop/netbook with win 7 or above with N3FJP field day 4.7 logging software installed.

Also email me K1RTA if you would like to operate so we know who
will be operating and when you will be there.

Food will be cooked as well. We can arrange a pot luck lunch/dinner on
Again email K1RTA for what you would like to bring 

Some have asked what is Field Day?
Field Day is to work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur
bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12-meter bands) and in doing so to
learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions and
developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well
as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio.
Also to get a few more people into the hobby.

In another-words Try to make as many contacts as you can in a 24 hour
period and having a great time with friends.

The actual address for the headquarters is: 194 Cranberry Rd, South Carver,
MA 02366
Talk in Frequencies are 146.565 simplex
and Plymouth repeater 146.685- pl 82.5


Respectfully submitted,  K1RTA
