lighthouse video

National Lighthouse Day August 7th

Amateur Radio Event,
Our group of members get together and setup our tower trailer next to the highland lighthouse. We invite the public to come and check out ham radio and see us in action "getting those contacts" on the air over the radio waves.

New Members at Hamvention 2017

We got two new additions ato the Hamvention 2017
We welcome you, Tony N2XJS and George K2GTV.

Dayton 2017

Dayton hamvention is May 18-21 this year. We hope to see our members at the largest ham radio get together in the country! We will be at flea market spots 9341 and 9342 this year. Very exciting with the new fairgrounds for the first time.
See you there!
73 N1ERC

NearFest 2017 Spring!

w1kb mobile

Hello to all, We hope to see our members up in Deerfield this spring for our meet and greet and our meeting of the minds up at the best Fleamarket of  New England on May 5th and 6th

See you there,  73 N1ERC

Marlborough Hamfest 2017

Flea Market will be held on Saturday, February 18, 2017 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.  At the 1Lt Charles W.Whitcomb School.

25 Union St. Marllborough Mass.


Some of our members are into the new DMR radios.

We setup a DMR talk goup on the

The N1ERC talk group number is: 31257

Direct Link to listen:

Best viewed with Chrome or FireFox


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